

Part 1: Understanding What the Social Graph and Data Portability Means for Marketing

Part 2: Razorfish Imagines Hypothetical Implementations of Facebook Connect (Data Portability Lite)
A visual representation of the ideas put forth in this Mashable post

I appreciate Razorfish's insights and thought into potential uses of Facebook Connect, and hope that we see implementations such as these soon. The potential for socially contextual Web experiences have far reaching benefits for both user and brand/publisher. If nothing else, the potential for data mining would be incredible-- imagine being able to optimize your site based not on hypothetical personas, but actual ones (granted, this predicated on visibility into the graph data exchanged)?


jefske said...

Oh this is so good.
Thank u =]
Love from Syd.x

Unknown said...

Alisa, interesting this data portability and user graphs. I linked to it on my blog post, didn't see you do the trackback thing. Got me thinking tho. Thanks. @rainesmaker http://bit.ly/3tWL